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Final Day Sunday 20th October @ Noon


Noel Burrows +3 31 25
Ashley Woof +5 27

Martin Bacon +4 30
Simon Coupe +3 31 31 28

Charlie Bebbington +4 31 28
Gareth Gwilliam +4 30

Peter Consterdine +3 31 31 31
Chris Brown +3 30​

Great days bowling, weather generally kind, generous(cough, cough) prices from the bookies, great service from Maria's butty waggon, excellent raffle with numerous prizes, a decent crowd, who I thank for making the effort to come along & a fitting winner who on the whole played the most consistantly throughout. Involved in 3 close games, but toughed it out to win The Billy Joe Edwards Memorial Trophy.


Sub-final Results.
Played Sunday 29th September @ 6pm

Allan Broadhurst +5 18
Simon Coupe +3 31

Duncan Watkins +5 22
Noel Burrows +3 31

Gareth Gwilliam +3 31
Tommy Johnstone +3 23

Mike Leach +3 18
Martin Bacon +4 31

Neil Jenkinson +4 14
Peter Consterdine +3 31

Charlie Bebbington +5 31
Callum Wraight +3 26

Ashley Woof +3 31
Paul Clegg +3 18

Chris Brown +3 31
Neil Grant +5 23

Winners will re-draw for Final Day
Sunday 20th October @ Noon

Saturday 21st September 2013

Burrows +3 31 31
Burton +6 17

Cochrane +5 31 24
Lancaster +6 17

Noel drew No 4 & now plays Duncan Watkins

Dudley +3 31 27
Speed +5 14

Brown +4 31 31
Tunstall +4 21

Chris drew No 15 & plays Neil Grant

Saturday 14th September 2013

Jim Carney +5 19
Neil Grant +5 31 31

George Chadwick +5 31 28
Daniel Jones +6 28

Neil drew No 16

John Carney +6 19
Neil Kirkman +6 31 15

Dave Jackson +4 22
Tommy Johnstone +4 31 31

Tommy drew No 6 & now plays Gareth Gwilliam

Sunday 8th September 2013

Chris Cooke +5 31 30
Danny Woodward +6 22

Jim McGurk +6 11
Ashley Woof +5 31 31

Ashley drew No 13 and now plays Paul Clegg

Paul Winrow +6 19
Mark Bennett +6 31 25

Jimmy Taberner +3 21
Simon Coupe +3 31 31

Simon drew No 2 and now plays Allan Broadhurst

Saturday 7th September 2013

Martin Bacon +5 31 31
Ian Dennis +6 28

Dave Higginbottom +3 31 29
Brain Darbyshire +6 28

Martin drew No 8 and plays Mike Leach

Neil Bithell +4 31 14
Mike Heap +6 30

Ian Penzer +6
Duncan Watkins +4 31 31

Duncan drew No 3

Sunday 1st September 2013

Paul Bailey +3 27
Carl Armitage +4 31 16

Dave Gwilliam +6 26
Allan Broadhurst +3 31 31

Allan drew No 1 for sub-final

Dave Badley +6 28
Lee Johnstone +6 31 20

Jim Riley +6 14
Gareth Gwilliam +4 31 31

Gareth drew No 5 for sub-final

Saturday 31st August 2013

Callum Wraight +4 31 31
Dave Jenkinson +5 21

Lee Turner +6 24
Wayne Ditchfield +3 31 24

Callum drew No 12 & plays Charlie Bebbington

Mark Foster +5 28
Neil Jenkinson +5 31 31

Paul Leah +6 31 30
Gary Ellis +3 30

Neil drew No 9 & plays Peter Consterdine

Sunday 25th August 2013

Paul Clegg +5 31 31
Phil Boydell +3 19

Matt Gillies +5 31 26
Shaun Else +6 25

Paul Clegg drew No 14 for sub-final

Sean Waring +6 No show
Stephen Leach +4 WO 30

Joe Belshaw +5 18
Peter Consterdine +3 31 31

Peter Consterdine drew No 10

Saturday 18th August 2013

Billy Rigby +6 24
Bill Griffiths +5 31 27

Charlie Bebbington +3 31 31
Nick Edge +6 20

Charlie Bebbington drew No 11 for sub-final

Mike Leach +4 31 31
Fr Geoff Hilton +4 23

Chris Morrison +3 31 14
Chris Moody +6 34

Mike Leach drew No 7 for sub-final

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