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Sunday Xmas panel final day,
Quarter finals,
Lee Heaton (12) 41 v 29 James Grimston (12),
Duncan Watkins (11) 41 v 35 Peter Consterdine (11),
Geoff Telford (11) 41 v 31 Keith Dickinson (13),
Chris Brown (12) 41 v 40 Dave Higginbottom (10),
semi finals,
Watkins (11) 41 v 34 Heaton (12),
Brown (12) 41 v 39 Telford (11),
Brown (12) 41 v 28 Watkins (11).

Thursday December 30th Xmas handicap,
Chris Brown (14) 41 v 37 Carl Armitage (14),
Wayne Ditchfield (10) 41 v 37 Ian Nicholson (14),
Qualifying Game,
Brown (14) 41 v 33 Ditchfield (10).

Wednesday December 29th Xmas handicap,
Anthony Gartside (12) 41 v 34 Martin Gilpin (11),
Lee Heaton (11) 41 v 36 Simon Coupe (10),
Qualifying Game,
Heaton (11) 41 v 33 Gartside (12).

Tuesday December 28th Xmas handicap,
James Grimston (13) 41 v 25 Scott Fisher (14),
Tommy Johnstone (10) 41 v 33 Mike Tunstall (11),
Qualifying Game,
Grimston (13) 41 v 32 Johnstone.

Monday December 27th Xmas handicap,
Geoff Telford (11) 41 v 32 Mike Leach (11),
Billy Speed (11) 41 v 30 Stuart Mort (10),
Qualifying Game,
Telford (11) 41 v 28 Speed (11).

Thursday December 23rd Xmas handicap,
Peter Consterdine (11) 41 v 31 Neil Jenkinson (11),
Andy Cairns (10) 41 v 26 Stewart Kenyon (13),
Qualifying Game,

Consterdine (11) 41 v 36 Cairns (10).

Wednesday December 22nd Xmas handicap,
Stephen Leach (13) 41 v 37 Damian Morrison (12),
Keith Dickinson (13) 41 v 39 Chris Macdonald (10),
Qualifying Game,
Dickinson (13) 41 v 33 Leach (13).

Tuesday December 21st Xmas handicap,
Dave Higginbottom (10) 41 v 33 Mike Geraghty (11),
Noel Burrows (10) 41 v 36 Martin Bacon (13),
Qualifying Game,
Higginbottom (10) 41 v 35 Burrows (10).

Monday December 20th Xmas handicap,
Chris Morrison (10) 41 v 36 Dave Jenkinson (12),
Duncan Watkins (11) 41 v 25 Harry Martin (15),
Qualifying Game,
Watkins (11) 41 v 38 Morrison (10).

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